Give to the Innocence Project this Holiday Season!
Dear Mary,
will always remember September 28, 2012, the day I walked out of prison
a free man after 15 years on death row in Louisiana for a crime I did
not commit. On that day I became the 300th person exonerated by DNA in
the United States.
Hundreds of exonerees came before me and I know there are hundreds waiting to follow in my footsteps.
I’m writing today to ask you to donate to the Innocence Project and help free others like me.
I’m writing today to ask you to donate to the Innocence Project and help free others like me.
A lot has changed in my life since that day in September.
I’m 38 years old and through an online course, I'm learning how to type
for the first time. I’m amazed to see all the information and resources
instantly available on the internet.
after I was released, I moved to my own apartment in Minneapolis with
the help of the Innocence Project. I got my GED in just three weeks and
I’m taking college prep classes so I can enroll in the local community
college. I’m also proud to share that I will soon be employed doing
office work at the law firm of my local counsel.
My life may not seem that exciting but for me it is extraordinary.
In prison I was only allowed outside of my cell for one hour each day. I
am enjoying the freedom now to lock and unlock the door to my apartment
with my own keys, to be able to walk in and out as I please, to run
errands, take the bus, go to school, and earn a living. I am very
fortunate and grateful to have the support I need to make this
transition and I look forward to the rest of my life as a free man.

Damon Thibodeaux
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Damon Thibodeaux
Minneapolis, Minnesota