Friday, December 13, 2013

Democide: Government Murders

DEMOCIDE is an opportunity for the government to show its mastery over the general populace, not unlike slave owners used to do. Slave masters called all the plantation slaves together to see a lynching happen. That way, slaves, who greatly outnumbered the slave owner and his supervisors, were terrorized and kept "in their places." So it is with the death penalty today. The slave owners feared the slaves' superior numbers, just as oppressive elitists fear the poor and working classes today.

The reason why prosecutors object to prisoners taking DNA tests or having new trials with substantial new evidence (that arrived after conviction) is because innocence does not really matter to them. Periodic executions like Willie Lynch suggested in the 1700s are for keeping slaves subdued. Through capital punishment, America's "lower classes" are treated like slaves, including everyone who works for a living and citizens who have a fixed income, i.e., people who cannot live off their dividends and inheritances. If murder was really offensive to masters over the criminal justice system, I would not be censored and stalked for asking why and how my mentally disabled brother was murdered after 18 days of secret arrest (kidnapping) in Memphis Shelby County Jail in 2003.

Capital punishment is not a deterrent to crimes, and neither is it uniformly applied for similar crimes. It was never meant to be. DP is merely an act of terrorism used to keep hundreds of millions of people respectful to government power. That is why capital punishment is limited to poor and working class persons and has a significantly higher rate of incidence among non-whites. Those are the people most oppressed and therefore most feared by oppressors - elitist white supremacists who benefit by keeping millions of people subservient.

Prosecution for murder and most other crimes in America depends on who the victims and defendants are in terms of wealth and class, skin hue, and how close the next election is. While inmates are tortured on death row, counting off their days until their own murders, police officers (government representatives) earn vacations by killing unarmed Americans - especially the mentally ill, who comprise over fifty percent of all police violence victims. Soldiers are awarded medals for killing people who pose no threat to this country. During the average convicted killer's term on death row in the United States, the government kills tens of thousands of people in wars and police violence. Democide is also murder. DEATH TO THE DEATH PENALTY.

Democide is used to demonstrate government mastery and prevent slave rebellions like those pictured.

This writer wrote another article with "democide" in its title. Please read it and tell me what you think. Do you agree that before America bombs another country for "killing its own citizens" we should have an accurate count of all the U.S. citizens killed by police? Nobody keeps track of that, and it would be useful information. 
"Democide: Death by Gov't in USA and Syria"



  1. Democide: Government Murders
    (photo of Lady Liberty lynching a black man)

    DEMOCIDE is an opportunity for the government to show its mastery over the general populace, not unlike slave owners used to do. Slave masters called all the plantation slaves together to see a lynching happen. That way, slaves, who greatly outnumbered the slave owner and his supervisors, were terrorized and kept "in their places." So it is with the death penalty today. The slave owners feared the slaves' superior numbers, just as oppressive elitists fear the poor and working classes today.

    The reason why prosecutors object to prisoners taking DNA tests or having new trials with substantial new evidence (that arrived after conviction) is because innocence does not really matter to them. Periodic executions like Willie Lynch suggested in the 1700s are for keeping slaves subdued. Through capital punishment, America's "lower classes" are treated like slaves, including everyone who works for a living and citizens who have a fixed income, i.e., people who cannot live off their dividends and inheritances. If murder was really offensive to masters over the criminal justice system, I would not be censored and stalked for asking why and how my mentally disabled brother was murdered after 18 days of secret arrest (kidnapping) in Memphis Shelby County Jail in 2003.

    Capital punishment is not a deterrent to crimes, and neither is it uniformly applied for similar crimes. It was never meant to be. DP is merely an act of terrorism used to keep hundreds of millions of people respectful to government power. That is why capital punishment is limited to poor and working class persons and has a significantly higher rate of incidence among non-whites. Those are the people most oppressed and therefore most feared by oppressors - elitist white supremacists who benefit by keeping millions of people subservient.

    Prosecution for murder and most other crimes in America depends on who the victims and defendants were in terms of wealth and class, skin hue, and how close the next election was. While inmates are tortured on death row, counting off their days until their own murders, police officers (government representatives) earn vacations by killing unarmed Americans - especially the mentally ill, who comprise over fifty percent of all police violence victims. Soldiers are awarded medals for killing people who pose no threat to this country. During the average convicted killer's term on death row in the United States, the government kills tens of thousands of people in wars and police violence. Democide is also murder. DEATH TO THE DEATH PENALTY
    (two paintings - the Revolutionary War and black slaves rebelling)

    Democide is used to demonstrate government mastery and
    prevent slave rebellions like those pictured.

  2. This writer wrote another article with "democide" in its title. Please read it and tell me what you think. Do you agree that before America bombs another country for "killing its own citizens" we should have an accurate count of all the U.S. citizens killed by police? Nobody keeps track of that, and it would be useful information.
    "Democide: Death by Gov't in USA and Syria"

    (anti-dp photo)


  3. The url and email address should both be active links in the article above. Let me know, please, if they are not. I have cyber stalkers. Please sign my petition for freedom of press and free speech. I should be able to be an abolitionist if I want to do so, don't you agree?
