Warren Hill's Execution Would Be Unconstitutional
Georgia prepares to execute Warren Hill. Hill is an offender with intellectual disabilities. His execution would show complete disregard for justice, state law, and the Supreme Court. Moreover, killing Hill would offend God.
WESLEY SNIPES is currently incarcerated and serving a three-year sentence on allegations that he failed to file a tax return timely. If Snipes were made a cellmate for an untreated, mentally ill killer who beat Wesley to death while he slept, using a thick board of wood with nails driven through it, wouldn't Wesley's lawyers sue the state for GROSS NEGLIGENCE? If that sick killer was then EXECUTED, shouldn't the executed man's family sue for GROSS NEGLIGENCE and CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT? WHY wasn't the mentally challenged man sent to a mental hospital before or after his first murder instead of prison? Why wasn't his mental illness being treated behind bars? Why was security so slack at the prison that he had access to a weapon? Why was a mentally ill inmate who had already committed a murder given a cellmate? Those questions apply to the murder for which Warren Lee Hill faces execution on
Brandon Rhode, pictured above, was another mentally challenged man who Georgia killed in 2010. Brandon was killed with drugs purchased from the back of an English bicycle shop, because he died while execution drugs were deliberately withheld from America. Brandon was the son of an alcoholic drug abuser who was born brain damaged. He killed someone as a teen. A decade later, Georgia killed this helpless, sick man in a torturous execution.
Thousands of people express outrage about Hill's execution because it is illegal to execute the mentally ill according to state and federal law. Hill's cellmate's death clearly resulted from the prison's negligence. Inmates should not be locked in cells with armed homicidal mental patients to be killed in their sleep, and the state should not ignore its own culpability in such murders and execute sick men. A similar incident occurred in Georgia a couple of years ago when a mentally ill inmate in DeKalb County Jail also killed his cellmate. A former jail guard at Memphis Shelby County Jail reported a shocking jail death to the radio audience of a Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk Show. Apparently, jail guards released two acute mental patients from isolation to watch them have a "dog fight" to the finish. Jailers have a duty to provide a secure environment for incarcerated persons, but the responsibility is not always taken seriously.
Millions of Americans are concerned about prisoners' human rights and object to capital punishment, but officials do not care as much about citizens' protests as they should. It would be more effective to examine death penalty cases to identify a reason to sue the state following execution. For instance, Hank Skinner begged for a DNA test for years to prove he is innocent, but his requests were denied. Finally, Texas approved Skinner's DNA test, but the bloodstained jacket that Skinner counted on to exonerate him was suddenly reported "missing" from the state's evidence storage. If Skinner is executed, Texas should be sued for negligence regarding the lost jacket.
Every execution, especially when victims are mentally ill, should be followed by a lawsuit if any valid fault against the state can be established.
Consider that almost no mentally ill people who are receiving proper psychiatric care do violent crimes, but states usually withhold treatment until a mentally challenged person PROVES (often through violence) that he is a danger to self and others. That standard has led to numerous avoidable murders and suicides. In such cases, the affected families may be able to sue for damages. Please help the families of Warren Hill and his victim to hold the prison and State of Georgia responsible for the inmate's death that should not have happened in a controlled environment. LAWSUITS FOLLOWING WARREN LEE HILL'S WRONGFUL EXECUTION MAY DETER FUTURE STATE KILLINGS OF THE MENTALLY ILL.
Gov. Deal's Chief of Staff, Chris Riley, and his executive assistant, Carrie Ashbee, are at (404) 656-1776.
Court Denies Hill's Bid to Halt Execution - AJC Apr. 23, 2013 http://www.ajc.com/news/news/local/court-denies-hills-bid-to-halt-execution/nXTcS/
For He hath looked down from the height of His sanctuary; from heaven did the LORD behold the earth; to hear the groaning of the prisoner; to loose those that are appointed to death ~Psalm 102:19-20
Mary Neal, Director of Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill (AIMI) http://www.care2.com/c2c/group/aimi
Director of DOG JUSTICE FOR MENTALLY ILL http://dogjusticeformentallyill.blogstpot.com
Paragraphs 1 - 3 repeated: Warren Hill got a stay of execution regarding his February 19, 2013 execution date. On April 23, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported that the federal court has lifted his stay of execution.
Georgia prepares to execute Warren Hill on Tuesday, February 19, 2013. Hill is an offender with intellectual disabilities. His execution would show complete disregard for justice, state law, and the Supreme Court. Moreover, killing Hill would offend God. (1,013 words 6,253 characters in this article)
WESLEY SNIPES is currently incarcerated and serving a three-year sentence on allegations that he failed to file a tax return timely. If Snipes were made a cellmate for an untreated, mentally ill killer who beat Wesley to death while he slept, using a thick board of wood with nails driven through it, wouldn't Wesley's lawyers sue the state for GROSS NEGLIGENCE? If that sick killer was then EXECUTED, shouldn't the executed man's family sue for GROSS NEGLIGENCE and CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT? WHY wasn't the mentally challenged man sent to a mental hospital before or after his first murder instead of prison? Why wasn't his mental illness being treated behind bars? Why was security so slack at the prison that he had access to a weapon? Why was a mentally ill inmate who had already committed a murder given a cellmate? Those questions apply to the murder for which Warren Lee Hill faces execution on
I bought a Google Chromebooks computer today (Samsung), hoping it would take the stalkers at least one night to take it over. It took them about an hour. Anti-DP advocacy suffers interference from satanic fascists who make human sacrifices at the taxpayers' expense. The stalkers are attacking this paragraph, so I repeat it here:
ReplyDeleteThousands of people express outrage about Hill's execution because it is illegal to execute the mentally ill according to state and federal law. Georgia executed another mentally ill man in 2010, Brandon Rhode (pictured above on the same table where Troy Davis was executed on September 21, 2011, with his guilt unproved) . The U.S. Supreme Court ruled such killings unconstitutional, but Texas also kills mentally ill people regularly. Executioners have no regard for pleas for justice and compassion, but money can sometimes change things. Death penalty cases cost taxpayers millions more than when prosecutors seek life sentences. Several states where capital punishment was repealed cited the cost as one deciding factor. Abolitionists plan candlelight vigils for Warren Lee Hill and other death row inmates to protest capital punishment, but more must be done. Lawsuits after executions would make DP cost much more than it already does and deter capital punishment.